Chorister Spotlight: Trump Bradley

To say that Trump Bradley is a lifelong chorister is a big understatement.

A native of New York City, he began singing with a choir in first grade.

Someone asked: “How come your voice is so low?” Trump embraced his dark rich bass quality early in life.  He kept singing bass with threats from his conductors to make him sing in the soprano range which almost all children sing before puberty. Trump persisted in the bass range and boy did he sing. While at boarding school in Connecticut, Trump joined the Secondary School chorus under the direction of Moshe Paranov and with the Hartt Symphony sang and recorded dozens of choral works during his time as a student in middle and high school.  Works he sang include Pergolesi’s Stabat Mater,  The Last Words of David by Randall Thompson, Bach’s stirring cantata, Christ Lay in Death’s Bonds, and there is a wonderful recording of Trump singing with the chorus in Haydn’s Creation Mass all before he turned 18. He made his way to Princeton where he met the young lady who would become his wife; Carol. 

Stay tuned next month as we talk about where Trump Bradley landed next:  marriage, kids, and the First Presbyterian Chancel Choir.


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