
Music Updates

Angel Choir Sings "Come to Calvary's Holy Mountain" This Sunday

Every now and then, Angel Choir members will request a reprisal of an anthem they’ve loved singing in the past.

This Sunday’s “Come to Calvary’s Holy Mountain” is one such piece.

It’s worth noting that exactly five years ago, on the third Sunday in March, the reality of COVID suddenly set in, precipitating an abrupt cancellation of the service in which the choir planned to sing this compelling Lenten anthem. From disappointment grew opportunity, however, and The Angel Choir’s first virtual video was created.

I encourage you to take the time to view this consequential video that reminds us not only of the disruption, distress, and fear we experienced for so long but also of the hope, love, and beauty that blossomed in response to them. It seems appropriate to reflect on these feelings during our season of Lent, and the choir is looking forward to offering this anthem that is so dear and meaningful to them on many levels.

With gratitude,
Joy and the Angels

Philip EveringhamComment
Fauré Requiem

You are invited!

…to a very special service, featuring music that is at once sublime, luminous, and soul-stirring. Gabriel Fauré’s Requiem, while somber, is filled with light and transcendence. Come and worship with us! 

-Philip Everingham

Philip EveringhamComment
This Sunday!

The Children are Singing:

Calling by Mark Patterson. Dr. Everingham is playing the piano

This Sunday, the Children's Choir will offer the anthem "Calling" as part of our worship service. This beautiful and contemplative piece is a fitting selection for the first Sunday in Lent, a season of reflection, repentance, and renewal.

"Calling" is a song that invites us to listen for God's voice and to respond with open hearts. Its gentle melody and simple lyrics remind us that God continually calls us into deeper relationships, guiding us through times of trial and transformation. Just as Jesus was led into the wilderness at the beginning of his ministry, we, too, are called to listen, trust, and follow where God leads.

Through their voices, the children bring us all a powerful reminder that no matter our age, God is always calling us into a life of faith, love, and purpose. We hope this anthem blesses your Lenten journey and encourages you to reflect on how God is calling you this season.

Thank you,
Aaron Wilburn 

Save the Date

Sunday, March 9, at 3 pm

I'm excited to share more news about the Celtic service happening on March 9. Are you looking for a way to start this Lenten journey? Join us for worship at 3 pm. There will be a time of readings, songs inspired by the Celtic region of Scotland, Ireland, and Great Britain; music by a local Celtic harpist; a personal reflection on his personal faith journey by John Weigand, and so much more! Communion will be observed as well, led by Rev. Wallace Bubar. 

Come worship and experience a meditative and inspiring worship service that will reinvigorate you and fill your soul.


Philip EveringhamComment
Angel Choir Sings This Sunday

This Sunday, the Angel Choir is excited to sing “Lift Your Light” for worship.

With its gospel feel and catchy syncopation, composer Mary McDonald artfully moves the piece’s slow, soulful beginning to a surprising tempo change that is simply delightful! Just as we become accustomed to this shift, however, she mixes it up again with another tune and the familiar lyrics, “This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine.”

We invite you to share in the energy of one of the choir’s all-time favorite anthems, and hope to see you and your light in church or online!

Kristin ReamComment
Celtic Worship March 9

Join us for a Celtic Worship service on March 9th at 3 pm in the sanctuary.

This service draws from the Celtic liturgical traditions of Ireland and Scotland, particularly the communities of Iona and Northumbria. In addition to prayer, the service includes poetry and speaks of God in a common language. Music is largely instrumental—piano with a variety of other instruments. The service provides a quiet, contemplative time of prayer, song, and special music.

Karen Bovenizer will lead the singing, Olivia Clagget will provide Celtic harp, and Rev. Wallace Bubar will lead communion. Come and see, hear, sing, and pray with us!

Philip EveringhamComment
Chorister Spotlight: Tom Martin

Many of us know Tom Martin from various committees he has served on during his time at FPC.

If you’ve ever worked alongside him on any of the multitude of projects he has tackled over the years, you know what a joy it can be.

As a chorister at First Presbyterian, Tom came to the choir later than his wife, Barb. He began in 1993 when the choir sang the Rutter Requiem. We can thank Barb for recruiting Tom to sing Bass.

While Tom and Barb raised a family and sang in the choir, Tom worked for 27 years at Denison University in Alumni and Development. Pursuing his love of travel in 1998, he bought Welsh Hills Travel, which he ran successfully until 9/11/2001. He then began working as Senior Development Officer of Major Gifts at Muskingum University, traveling 55 miles one way from 2001-2010. Throughout his career, Tom continued to sing with the Denison Concert Choir and First Presbyterian Chancel Choir; he loved the blend of orchestra and choral voices singing together in larger choral works.

In 2015, Tom had the chance to combine his love of travel and choral music! He was deeply involved in our 2015 Scotland Tour, where the choir sang at St. Giles in Edinburgh, an Episcopalian church in Aberdeen, and culminated in a performance at Iona Abbey. Tom said of this trip, “As we were getting off the bus for the first time in Edinburgh, I found myself in the best mood, and it lasted throughout our tour.” Tom was instrumental with fundraising and working with the travel company that organized our trip.

Join me in thanking Tom for 32+ years of singing with us. His strong, dependable bass is still in the back row. He is greatly appreciated!

Philip EveringhamComment
Celtic Worship

Join us! Sunday, March 9 at 3pm in the First Presbyterian Church Sanctuary

This service draws from the Celtic liturgical traditions of Ireland and Scotland, particularly the communities of Iona and Northumbria. In addition to prayer, the service includes poetry and speaks of God in a common language. Music is largely instrumental—piano with a variety of other instruments. The service provides a quiet contemplative time of prayer, song, and special music.
Hope to see you there!

Philip EveringhamComment
Children's Choir Sings on Sunday!

We've had such a wonderful time in children's music this season!

The kids have been having a blast playing games, learning about melodies, and even getting hands-on with instruments like boom-whackers. They've already contributed to a couple of songs during our Wonderful Wednesday gatherings and this Sunday, they’ll be singing Encourage One Another during the service. Be sure to join us for this moment of music and joy!

Guest UserComment
Angel Choir Sings on Sunday

The Angel Choir sings for worship this Sunday, January 26.

The Angel Choir will sing “Let Us Build a House” this Sunday. It is a lovely arrangement by popular composer Lloyd Larson, in which he combines two pieces, “All Are Welcome” and “Come Build a Church” by Marty Haugen and Ken Medema, respectively.

The first lines encourage us to “build a house where all can dwell and all can safely live, a place where saints and children tell how hearts learn to forgive.” Later in the anthem, the second incorporated anthem entreats us, Come build a church with soul and spirit; come build a church of flesh and bone... with human frailty... it shall be built by the hand of God.”

The lyrics and music are beautiful, and the piece was chosen, in part, as a musical farewell to Wendy, who has sustained us in this house where all are welcome to “... heal and strengthen, serve and teach, and live the Word they’ve known.” She is a fan of Marty Haugen’s work, and we find it fitting to offer this anthem on her last Sunday in our pulpit. Godspeed, Wendy.

With gratitude,
Joy and The Angel Choir

Philip EveringhamComment
Paraments and Beth Price

Many of you will remember the "hymn sing" we did on November 17th

Jenni Whitford and the youth changed the paraments as we moved from season to season, taking us through an entire church year in one service.

For the past 20 years, one person has given her time and energy to do this wonderfully meaningful task.

Beth Price has changed the paraments for every change in the seasons since 2005. We have been blessed to see the beautiful blue paraments at Advent, the purple at Lent, white for Easter, and red at Pentecost, along with the green paraments during what we call the ordinary time of the church year.

Please join me in sending up a word of heartfelt thanks from wherever you're reading this article. Beth, your prayerful dedication to this task is inspiring for all of us!

Holiday Thanks!

With deep gratitude I want to extend my thanks to all the musicians. The Children’s Choir, Angel Choir, Chancel Choir, and all our marvelous bell ringers and soloists helped make this Christmas season a season filled with love. Our community is truly blessed, with anthems during Advent, the Walking Tour, and bells being rung throughout December.

A special thank you to the Angel and Children’s Choir directors, Joy Hire and Aaron Wilburn. Through their gifted leadership, they have shared their love of music with our youth. It has been a true Christmas gift hearing them raise their young voices in song.

Hoping your holiday season was filled with joyful music!

Philip Everingham
Director of Music

Philip EveringhamComment
Festivo Bells at the James Center!

2nd Annual Christmas Concert

“This was such a treat— especially during the holidays. 6 octave hand bell choir players from First Presbyterian Church in Granville graced our music program with their beautiful music. Thank you!” -Heather Pick

FPC’s talented Festivo Bells performed our 2nd Annual Christmas Concert at The James Comprehensive Cancer Center on December 16. Thank you to the staff at the James for recording us so that our concert is available to patients on InPatient TV channel 2. We received recognition through 10TV News Anchor Angela An on the Facebook page, "Heather Pick Music Program." This concert has become a treat for both ringers and listeners. Many thanks to Festivo Bells!

Philip EveringhamComment
Children's Music This Sunday!

This Sunday, the children will share a wonderful song…

An Invitation for Advent, featuring fun rhythms, melodies, and percussion. I'm asking children to arrive in the music room at 9:10am so we can warm up and get ready.

They are also preparing All On a Silent Night for the Christmas Eve service. Rehearsals on Wednesday nights have been filled with joy as they learn and grow through music. Thank you for supporting their musical journey!

Philip EveringhamComment
Heartfelt Thanks

Thank You!

On behalf of the music staff, I want to thank everyone who participated in Saturday night’s Granville Candlelight Christmas Walking Tour.

It was a beautiful night! The Chancel Choir’s glorious voices filled the sanctuary. The bells played a haunting arrangement of Away in a Manger and a lighthearted Sugar Plum Fairy arrangement. We also heard the wonderful string players from the Newark Granville Youth Symphony under Sue Larson’s marvelous leadership.

The following hour was equally incredible, with the Angel Choir’s youthful voices raised in Christmas song. They even joined forces with the Denison Ladies Night Out and Hilltoppers. Joy Hire led us through a varied and beautiful program accompanied by the always-wonderful Meredith Needham at the piano and our dear flutist friend, Linda Habig.

It truly takes a village, and Granville is certainly a musical one. Thank you all for everything you did to make the night so special for all those gathered.

Philip Everingham

Philip EveringhamComment
Christmas Candelight Walking Tour

First Presbyterian Choirs in Concert Tomorrow Evening

Join us in the sanctuary for the Christmas Candlelight Walking Tour!

The choirs of First Presbyterian invite you to their programs this Saturday, December 7, for Granville’s annual Christmas Candlelight Walking Tour. The Chancel Choir and Festivo Bells will present their concert at 6 p.m., immediately followed by The Angel Choir’s program at 7 p.m. 

Included will be beautiful Advent anthems, Christmas carols, popular holiday songs, and guest artists lending their skills on strings and woodwinds. In addition, members of the Newark-Granville Youth Ladies' Night Out and The Hilltoppers, Denison University's a cappella groups, and Orchestra will once again collaborate with our choirs. As a bonus this year, the combined Chancel and Angel choirs will present a glorious setting of “Hark the Herald Angels Sing” you won't want to miss!

Philip EveringhamComment
Bells at the Boys and Girls Club

Newark Boys and Girls Club Ringers

Enjoy the pictures and video below!

I'm so excited about how quickly the 3rd and 4th graders have picked up playing handbells this fall. We began (after many scheduling snafus) the first week of November. During that first week, they put together the following Etude, practicing playing half and whole notes with right and left hands. The children took to it easily and have already started working on Jingle Bells to play later in December for the parents!

This is truly a rewarding and fun time with the kids on Friday evening! We're having a great time! Special thanks to Jacob Palmer, who works as one of the main employees at the NBGC. He not only assists with this rehearsal, but you have most likely already seen him ringing our low bells with Tom McLeish and Eric Miller while performing with the First Pres. Bell Quartet earlier this fall! Thank you, Jacob!


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Philip EveringhamComment
Christmas Candlelight Walking Tour

Join Us!

6 p.m. on Saturday, December 7.

At 6 PM on December 7, the Chancel Choir, Festivo Bells, and members of the Newark Granville Youth Symphony will provide wonderful music of the Christmas season in the sanctuary. The choirs have been hard at work preparing songs from the Middle Ages to Christmas songs made popular by Mel Tormé, and everything in between. Celebrate the season with us. The finale will be particularly joyous, with the Angel Choir joining for a spectacular arrangement of Hark the Herald Angels Sing! that you won’t want to miss!

The Angel Choir program begins at 7 PM, with fabulous accompanist Meredith Needham, charming flutist Linda Habig, and Denison's wonderful acappella groups Ladies' Night Out and The Hilltoppers adding to the joy of the evening. Familiar Christmas carol arrangements will be featured, as well as lovely, original pieces by some of the choir's favorite composers. We hope you'll join us for an uplifting musical prelude to this beautiful season of Advent.

Additionally, as you enjoy the trees on this year’s Walking Tour, be sure to find the 10 live trees sponsored and decorated by groups in our congregation (Session, Deacons, Chancel Choir, Angel Choir, Bells, Senior High Youth, Club 56, Team 78, Presbyterian Women and Mission), in conjunction with 1500 Trees. These trees will be planted in Watkins Grove following the walking tour.

Philip EveringhamComment
Ecumenical Thanksgiving

Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service

November 24, 2024, at 7 pm.

Celebrate Thanksgiving with the Granville Community. An all-denomination choir will sing together under the direction of Philip Everingham, celebrating all we have to be grateful for! Rev. Wendy McCormick will preach the sermon; a reception will follow, and we hope you’ll join in on the fun! An offering will be taken to benefit the Licking County Coalition for Housing.

Kristin ReamComment
Newark Boys and Girls Club Handbells

Friday Evenings

After a couple of months of busy Fridays, the kids have started back up ringing together on Friday nights at 6 p.m.  We are a smaller group this year, but dedicated and having a great time making music and talking about music.  Jacob Palmer, who serves as one of the directors there and also rings with Festivo Bells, has been great to work with as we get the kids to ring together.

Stay tuned for pictures and more info as the year progresses!


Philip EveringhamComment