Every now and then, Angel Choir members will request a reprisal of an anthem they’ve loved singing in the past.
This Sunday’s “Come to Calvary’s Holy Mountain” is one such piece.
It’s worth noting that exactly five years ago, on the third Sunday in March, the reality of COVID suddenly set in, precipitating an abrupt cancellation of the service in which the choir planned to sing this compelling Lenten anthem. From disappointment grew opportunity, however, and The Angel Choir’s first virtual video was created.
I encourage you to take the time to view this consequential video that reminds us not only of the disruption, distress, and fear we experienced for so long but also of the hope, love, and beauty that blossomed in response to them. It seems appropriate to reflect on these feelings during our season of Lent, and the choir is looking forward to offering this anthem that is so dear and meaningful to them on many levels.
With gratitude,
Joy and the Angels