Bells at the Boys and Girls Club

Newark Boys and Girls Club Ringers

Enjoy the pictures and video below!

I'm so excited about how quickly the 3rd and 4th graders have picked up playing handbells this fall. We began (after many scheduling snafus) the first week of November. During that first week, they put together the following Etude, practicing playing half and whole notes with right and left hands. The children took to it easily and have already started working on Jingle Bells to play later in December for the parents!

This is truly a rewarding and fun time with the kids on Friday evening! We're having a great time! Special thanks to Jacob Palmer, who works as one of the main employees at the NBGC. He not only assists with this rehearsal, but you have most likely already seen him ringing our low bells with Tom McLeish and Eric Miller while performing with the First Pres. Bell Quartet earlier this fall! Thank you, Jacob!


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