Mission Updates

Sharing the Harvest Thank You

Thank you to everyone who delivered food to the Salvation Army this summer (and longer!) providing fresh produce for those with food insecurity.

Sharing the Harvest volunteers gathered food from the Granville Farmer’s Market every Saturday.

Men’s Bible Study collects food every Wednesday from area merchants.  This has been their hands-on ministry for several years.

Kristin ReamComment
Coalition of Care Comes to Wonderful Wednesday

On September 18, Melissa Anderson, Director of the Coalition of Care

( COC co-founders are from FPC) will be giving us an update on this community organization.  She will speak at our Wonderful Wednesday dinner.

Come at 5:30 for dinner and stay for Melissa’s presentation at 6.  Please rsvp to the church office so we have a place set for everyone!  If you can’t get here for dinner, join us at 6.

Kristin ReamComment
Rise Against Hunger

FPC is planning on participating for the fifth year at this annual event! 

Together, with Second Presbyterian Newark, we will assemble 10,000 dry packed meals. Last year, we had over FPC 30 members attend, from age 8 - 80. Come join us this year for a community experience, feeding the hungry and loving our neighbors. It will be held at Second Presbyterian in Newark on September 22, from 1-3 pm -ish.

Ellen ClarkComment
Blessing Box

Please see the link below to volunteer.

We have several openings and would love your help.  Instructions can be found on the Blessing Box table in Heritage Hall or email Ellen at eclark@granpres.org.  Be watching for items to donate as the weather gets cooler.  THANK YOU for supporting this ministry we’ve shared with First Presbyterian, Newark for over 3 years!


Ellen ClarkComment
BRUNCH and BLESSINGS, Sunday, September 8

Our annual “summer is over, the program year begins” event

(formerly known as Rally Day) is September 8, right after worship.

Our message this year is “We Are Blessed to be a Blessing”. Come enjoy great brunch items (provided by all our music folks), enjoy time together, and give thanks for all the blessings we have in this congregation. Our blessings support each other and reach out into the community. Courtney Swisher is putting together a video that encapsulates this well. There will be live music, laughter, reflection, gratitude, and community. Please, join us all on September 8, Heritage Hall, after worship!

Ellen ClarkComment
Hands On Mission at Community Gardens

All ages turned out on Saturday August 10th to help maintain the 6th St neighborhood gardens. Fresh produce is not easily obtained by people experiencing poverty.

The gardens teach people to garden and provide plots, fresh produce and healthy choices.

The director of the gardens shared how pleased she was with the work accomplished!

Ellen ClarkComment
Silent Auction Preview

We have so many excellent items that you will WANT to Bid on for the silent auction at Trivia night tomorrow!

Select Items will be available for bidding through 11:15am on Sunday Aug 25th, however most items close at the end of trivia night Aug 17th! Make sure to get to Heritage Hall to check it out!

Kristin ReamComment
Something to Celebrate

After careful and prayerful study, plus ongoing dialogue with the Director and Board of Starting Strong, our church has committed $130,000 to support this ministry to young adults aging out of foster care.

In addition, we committed to a dollar-for-dollar match, up to $50,000 to create an endowment, ensuring Starting Strong’s sustainability into the future.

With this money, from the Kier Bequest, the organization will be able to make a transformational impact on young people’s lives. We will also partner with Starting Strong, volunteering where needed. To learn more, please contact any Mission Committee member or Ellen Clark. This is only the beginning. Our mission team will continue to seek God's guidance in looking at additional opportunities to partner with organizations in Licking County, promoting transformational change.

Ellen ClarkComment
Desserts Sweeten the Meal!

Sweet Celebrations!

FPC is celebrating our 1-year anniversary of serving meals at Second Presbyterian, Newark.

Over 30 FPC members are involved, alternating shifts every other Monday, feeding warm meals to our neighbors who might just need a lift.  Thank you to all who give their time and love in this hands-on ministry. We could use more volunteers to bring desserts, once or twice a month.  Please contact Deb Hibler. THANK YOU!

And, a heartfelt thank you to Sue Barton, Austin McElroy, and Sandy Rinehart for serving lunch EVERY Thursday for many, many years.  If you’d like to be part of this ministry, contact Austin McElroy or Ellen.

Ellen ClarkComment
Silent Auction Item Teaser


Here are just a few of the incredible items that you will want to bid on for the silent auction happening in conjunction with the Trivia Night!

  • OSU Football Home Game Tickets

  • Vaile Series Tickets

  • Prince Concert Tickets

  • Artwork

  • Dinners for 8

  • $500 gift certificate to Granville Rec redeemable for ALL programs, for ALL ages,

    and SO MUCH MORE! We hope you’ll come to bid on these incredible things at Trivia Night on Aug 17! SIGN UP FOR A TABLE NOW! Call the office , Kristin or Ellen, and we’ll get you set up!

Kristin ReamComment
Update from Starting Strong

Contact Ellen at eclark@granpres.org if you are interested or want to know more about being involved.

There are more ways we can have hands-on experiences helping young adults aging out of Foster Care. Please see the opportunities below.

Mechanics - Starting Strong wants to provide safe, reliable cars for young adults to purchase. They need people who like to work on cars to evaluate cars donated to the organization, make recommendations for repair, and if possible, make the repairs. The time requirement would be once or twice a year- if that. It all depends on when a car is donated. If you or someone you know has these gifts, let Ellen know.

Care Packages - Remember how good it was to receive care packages from loved ones? College students have aged out of their foster homes and may never have this uplifting experience. Unless YOU are interested in making those experiences possible. Right now, Starting Strong has a young female adult attending OSU Main Campus. They are looking for someone to send occasional care packages. Let us know if you are interested or even slightly curious. 

Gift Cards for Care Packages - Everyone likes to have food delivered to their door or eat out from time to time, right? So do college students who are pulling "all-nighters" before an exam or just need a break.  Consider donating DoorDash or restaurant gift cards to put in the care packages mentioned above. This will surely make someone's day better and studying more tolerable.

Ellen ClarkComment
We've Been Invited!

Open House

We have been invited to learn about the new model for distributing food at the food pantries of Licking County.  Come, learn, experience the change which gives clients a sense of dignity and choice. Want to carpool?  Contact Ellen at eclark@granpres.org

ALSO, come to Trivia Night on August 17 and help the Food Pantry Network fill their shelves.  Call the office to sign up to attend!

Ellen ClarkComment
Gaga It Is!

Gaga It Is!

Mark Atchison, Greg Bossart and Jason Sturgeon built and assembled a “gaga pit” for the youth at the YES Club.  A gaga pit is a corral-like structure.  Players get inside and play “dodge ball”, of sorts.  It is all the rage with young people and a safe way to have fun.  The youth have already used it and are so very grateful.  Thank you, Greg, Jason and Mark!      

Ellen ClarkComment
Bakers Needed

Bakers Needed

We are approaching our first-year anniversary for preparing and serving Monday Community Meals in Newark.  And we are continuing!!  That means we are needing desserts for 90 people every two weeks.  Could you participate in this hands-on mission?  The only requirement is that the desserts can be frozen if needed.  Drop your baked goods, labeled “Community Dinners” off anytime at the church kitchen.  We’ll take it from there.  Questions?  Please email Ellen at eclark@granpres.org.

Ellen ClarkComment
"Together We Grow" Needs Us!

We have planned another “work” day at the community gardens in Newark. 

August 10 from 9- 12pm.  Do you have a few hours to share to work on a needed project at the gardens?  It’s a great hands-on mission event.

Let’s do this!  Contact Ellen if you are interested.

Ellen ClarkComment
It WAS a Wonderful Wednesday

Mission Committee and Faith Formation teamed together to bring the YES Club to our July Wonderful Wednesday. 

The director, GHS 2009 graduate, Haley Snyder shared with us all about the YES Club and their important work with teens. Thank you to all who attended and learned more about the needs and FPC opportunities to partner in Licking County. And, to the Mission Committee (pictured in the photos below) for making it happen!

Kristin ReamComment
Do you Like Trivia and Supporting Youth & Mission?

We’ve got the EVENT FOR YOU!

Trivia Night and Silent Auction on Aug 17, 2024.

We’re hosting the first annual trivia night benefitting the Senior High Youth work trip, and the Licking County Food Pantry Network. Tickets are $15 per person or STACK YOUR WINNING TEAM by pre-selecting all 8 members for $150. Doors will open at 6:30, trivia starts at 7. There will also be a silent auction filled with amazing items! Childcare provided. Questions? email Kristin or Ellen!

Ellen ClarkComment
Blessing Box Update

What a Difference!

Our Blessing Box shelves were empty a few weeks ago.  Thanks to two generous financial donations and to the Mautz family for shopping, we have filled them back up.  We are grateful beyond words…..the picture says it all!

If you are traveling this summer, we are running out of travel sized shampoo, soap and lotions.  Thank you!

Ellen ClarkComment
Meals on Wheels

Do You Know Someone Who Needs a Meal on a Regular Basis?

Our “Meals On Wheels Program” prepares a sack lunch, a hot meal and a dessert five days a week and delivers them to our clients.  If you know someone who lives in the Granville School District who needs assistance with meals 1-5 days a week, please contact Centenary Methodist at 740 587-0022.

Ellen ClarkComment