Mission Updates

Mission Focused Wonderful Wednesday July 10th!

Mission Focused Wonderful Wednesday-

Plus Commissioning Montreat Travelers

FPC has had a long-running relationship with the YES Club of Newark, a safe place for 7th-12th graders to go after school and in the summer months.  The Apackis were very instrumental in installing solar panels on their building.  Janie Drake and Shirley Hale used to cook dinner every Wednesday for these youth.  This summer FPC is helping build a GaGa Pit (ask any youth what this is) and rain barrels.  Our youth are cooking lunch for them twice. On July 10,  Wonderful Wednesday, we have an opportunity to hear from the YES Club Director, Haley Snyder.  Haley is a Granville graduate and attended FPC’s Teen Center (an after-school program for middle school youth from 2001-2010).  She will share the latest news on “what’s going on” at the YES Club while Jenni has activities for the kids!  Come! Share a meal, enjoy fellowship, and learn more about the youth of our community.  Please RSVP—dinner at 5:30 with program to follow.

Ellen ClarkComment
Stand Up for Hati a HUGE success!

Stand Up for the Children of Haiti was heartwarming on so many levels.  Our families came together teaching their children about the needs of others, finding creative ways for hands on mission and raising money, Healing Arts Mission was highlighted all round town, and Tracee Laing, the co-founder visited every stand!  As icing on the cake, our families raised over $1400.  Thank you for living out Matthew 25 at home and for the people of Haiti.


Ellen ClarkComment
Trivia Night and Silent Auction

Do you love trivia, the youth of our church, and mission?

We have the EVENT FOR YOU!

On Aug 17 we’re hosting the first annual trivia night benefitting the Senior High Youth work trip, and the Licking County Food Pantry Network. Tickets are $15 per person, or STACK YOUR WINNING TEAM by pre-selecting all 8 members for $150. Doors will open at 6:30, trivia starts at 7. There will also be a silent auction filled with amazing items! Childcare provided. Questions? email Kristin or Ellen!

Kristin ReamComment
Sharing the Harvest

Sharing the Harvest is an easy activity to get the whole family involved in hands on mission!

Volunteers are needed to help in this FPC mission tradition for over 10 years.

It takes about 1 1/2 hours on a Saturday at noon.  It's easy and it provides the Salvation Army with excess produce, baked goods and other items from Granville's Farmers Market.  To get fresh vegetables and baked goods is a huge blessing. Contact Ellen for more information, or just CLICK HERE to sign up! THANK YOU.

Ellen ClarkComment
Senior High Youth Cook for YES Club!


Our senior high youth came together Wednesday night to cook a meal for the YES Club in Newark. We prepared tacos with all the toppings, fruit, and cookies. About 25 youth attend the YES Club daily during the summer. It is a safe place to hang out, have enrichment activities and lunch. The Director, Haley Snyder, will come to our July 10 picnic to share more about this Mental Health of America organization. We hope you will, too!


Kristin ReamComment
"Stand Up" for Hati

Hands-on Mission opportunity for you awaits!  Visit one of the family yard stands tomorrow, June 29.  Nine church families are supporting the children of Haiti Saturday, June 29, (times and addresses listed) by selling wares on their lawns (and FPC's lawn).  They have been so creative with their ideas you won't want to miss it.  All proceeds go to Healing Arts Mission in Haiti, which aids the children of Haiti, even during this time of upheaval and chaos in their country.  See if you can visit all the stands!

1. Collins Family FPC Lawn 9am-12pm 2. Swisher Family FPC lawn 9am-12pm 3. Kirwin Family FPC Lawn 9am-12pm 4. Boyer Family 936 Newark Granville Rd 9am-3pm 5. Adams Family 127 Bryn Du Dr. 9am to 12pm 6. Mautz family 2402 Newark Granville Dr. 9am to 1pm 7. Ream family 116 W Maple 8am to 12pm 8. Kessler Family 2536 Park Ridge Dr. 10am to 12pm

Ellen ClarkComment
Starting Strong Update

Starting Strong Update

The Mission Committee has been in conversation with Starting Strong for several months.  We asked about their vision for the future impact on teens aging out of foster care. 

This month, Starting Strong submitted their information to the Mission Committee to begin our future partnership.  The committee has a few questions remaining as they do their due diligence, spending the bequest money well, and making transformational impacts in our church and community. We will keep you informed all along the way.

Ellen ClarkComment
Mission at VBS

Mission at VBS

Mission had a very good week at the Granville Ecumenical VBS last week. 

The children, adults and teen leaders learned all about Healing Arts Mission from Tracee Laing. Tracee did a fantastic presentation, and the children were totally engaged, asking really good questions.  By the end of the week, coins were collected, and a donation made to the Healing Arts Mission in the amount of $419.   Ellen taught the children about the Drop-In Center in Newark.  Once again, the children paid close attention as they learned about people experiencing poverty in our county.   Then, they brought donations of food, water and Gatorade to go in bagged lunches for Drop-In Center guests.  The best part was, we were able to deliver food and water at a moment’s notice to the Drop-In Center as it became a “Cooling Center” during this week’s scorching temperatures.  Thank you, VBS!


Ellen ClarkComment
"Stand Up" for Hati!

Mark your calendars for JUNE 29. This is the day of the Great Granville Garage Sale and better yet, 10 of our FPC families are having “Stand” Up for Haiti stands in their yards to raise money for the Healing Arts Mission of Haiti. The families heard about the plight of the people in Haiti at a Wonderful Wednesday dinner. One child then went home and wanted “to do something”. The idea was bron.

The congregation will get a list of the addresses to support families by shopping their wares. It’s a beautiful way to have “hands-on mission” in our own front yard.

Ellen ClarkComment
Sharing the Harvest

Want an EASY family-friendly mission activity?

We need familes every Saturday, June-August!

FPC will continue our commitment to collecting produce and other items from the local farmer’s market and sharing it all with the Salvation Army. This is a very easy way to have hands-on mission and teach our children about food insecurity. We need people every Saturday, June-August. It takes about 1 ½ hours.  Could you pick one Saturday and join this long-standing ministry at FPC? Please use this link to sign up! If this is your first time, Ellen will contact you with instructions. THANK YOU!

Ellen ClarkComment
Apartment Cleaning and Restock!

Thank you!

A huge thank you to Jeannie Kearns, Barbee Lamp, Deb Mabry, Betsy Russell, and Polly Schneider.  These women spent 3 hours together, cleaning and restocking an apartment for a young adult aging out of foster care. The young adult is enrolled at OSUN this fall. She now has a safe, clean (immaculate) place to begin her future. And, thank you FPC for stocking it with new linens, towels, kitchen ware and bath items. Please note the homemade quilt. This was donated lovingly for this apartment by Marcy Loats.

Ellen ClarkComment
Summer Calendar

Mission Opportunities in Yellow

Multiple opportunites listed at the bottom.
June 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 -Sharing the Harvest
June 8 -Preparing apartment at Starting Strong for new tenant
June 6, 13, 20, 27 -Lunches served at the Salvation Army
June 10 – 14 -Mission component at VBS all week long
June 19 -Youth cook dinner for the YES Club
June 17 – 20 -Install rain barrels at the YES Club
June 29 -“STAND  Up for Haiti” Family Stands

Ellen ClarkComment
Thank You Staff – and Tuke!

Every month FPC supplies 50 lunches for the Drop-In Center, Newark.

This is a safe place for our unsheltered neighbors to escape the heat, charge phones, receive mail, and have rest.

Our lunches give them nourishment.  Thank you, FPC Staff, for preparing the lunches for June. If your FPC group (or other groups) would like to make lunches, please let Ellen know. We provide the food*. You provide the love.        
*Thank you, Mark Bruce and Kroger for a $250 gift card to help cover food cost.

Ellen ClarkComment
Calling All Gardeners and The Rest of You!

This Community Garden in Newark provides food, education, training & work opportunities for residents of Licking County.

Join us on July 13 and/or August 10 from 9-12 pm. Read below for more information.

They have education programs, hands-on gardening for adults with disabilities, gardens for residents 60+, mentoring, etc. They need volunteers year-round. FPC is hosting two workdays this summer, supporting the organization’s mission. Please join us on July 13 and/or August 10 from 9-12p. Bring gloves, a water bottle, a sense of humor, and we’ll handle the rest. What a great way for us to come together, serve our neighbors, and care for the earth. Contact Ellen to RSVP at eclark@granpres.org.

Ellen ClarkComment
Calling All Families!! Deadline Approaching…

Want to participate in a one time, important mission focus for your family?

We have just the thing!

June 29 is the FPC “Stand” Up for the Children of Haiti event for the whole congregation. Families are invited to create a stand in your yard or reserve a spot on the church lawn. You decide what to sell:  baked goods, pet treats, lemonade, veggies, popsicles, and potholders, be creative! The congregation will get maps with your location for their shopping enjoyment. Please contact Ellen to SIGN UP by JUNE 10 and ask any questions you may have. That’s the deadline to get on the map and obtain a special sign for your yard!

Ellen ClarkComment
Special Thank You!

A very special THANK YOU to this great group of FPC folk (plus Bob Thornton and Beth Suskind).

These men and women volunteered to cook a Memorial Day dinner for the people experiencing homelessness in Newark! The guests who came were so grateful. The meal was like a fun picnic indoors, complete with chili dogs, potato salad, beans, and coleslaw, plus desserts. Thank you, FPC!!!

Kristin ReamComment
Update on Starting Strong


Several members of the Mission Committee met with the director of Starting Strong and their board president.  We discussed the application Starting Strong is writing to become our “pilot program” at FPC.  Our goal is to have transformational impact in the community, draw closer to each other and be transformed ourselves.  Starting Strong is a very small organization and they are building their infrastructure to handle growth well.  This is taking time, and we appreciate their thoroughness and careful deliberation on how to do their ministry well.  They are still working on the application and hope to submit it to us in June.  We hope to be partnering with them both financially and with our members volunteering very soon. We continue to look for other opportunities in the community to support.

We will keep you up to date.  If you have any questions, please contact Ellen.

Kristin ReamComment
Family Friendly Mission Activites for Summer

Please check out all the incredible ways that you and your family could get involved in hands-on mission opportunities this summer!

Market Street Food Pantry 

The food pantry really needs volunteers on Saturdays.  The times are 8:30 – 11:30 am.  The director tells us that they could use people to stock shelves and to help customers.  Easy tasks, short amount of time, huge impact.  Can you help?  If interested, please contact Ellen.

 Sharing the Harvest

FPC will continue our commitment to collecting produce and other items from the local farmer’s market and sharing it all with the Salvation Army.  This is a very easy way to have hands-on mission and teach our children about food insecurity.  We need people every Saturday, June-August.  It takes about 1 ½ hours.  Could you pick one Saturday and join this long-standing ministry at FPC?  Please use this link to sign up!  If this is your first time, Ellen will contact you with instructions.  THANK YOU!

Make it stand out

On June 29, FPC families all over Granville, will be having a “stand” in their yards to raise money for the children in Haiti. Families might sell baked goods, lemonade, pet treats or popsicles!!  Come and find out.   All proceeds will go to Healing Arts Mission of Haiti, a ministry FPC has been supporting for many years.  The money will be earmarked for the education program.  Education is “hope” for children growing up in the chaos of their home country.  Please support our families and H.A.M. by shopping at the various stands.  You will be provided a map with all the locations and hours of operation.  Thank you, FPC families!

Drop-In Center at Holy Trinity Lutheran in Newark

We are looking for men and women who could check guests in, offer a meal and a place to rest.  The hours are 9:30 – 2:30 (you can do 2-hour shifts) on Tues./Wed./Thurs.  Guests attend who have no place for shelter.  They can get out of the weather, charge their phones and have a mailing address.  If you have an extra two hours, every week or so, and are interested please contact Ellen .

 FPC members continue to serve meals every week at the Salvation Army and every other week at Second Presbyterian, Newark.  We thank God for their ministries.


Kristin ReamComment
Blessing Box Summer Needs

Blessing Box Summer Needs

As the seasons change, so do the needs of people experiencing homelessness. Please see the list of summer items we can use to supply the Blessing Box with your donations. Thank you!    

  • Protein bars, pop tarts, cheese/peanut butter crackers

  • Single packs of tuna or chicken

  • Jerky, spam, 

  • Dried fruit, nuts/seeds

  • Single-serve (w/pop-up lids) cans: veggies, fruit, ravioli, beans

  • Pudding cups, rice cakes

  • Diapers, wipes

  • Ball caps; sunscreen(for sun) 

  • Drinks: Water/Gatorade

Ellen ClarkComment
Thank you again, FPC!

“Of all the churches that I reached out to, you were the only ones that offered to help me with cookies!!”

  - From the Village Network which supports Foster Families

Our church said “yes” when asked to bake 42 dozen cookies. Families with young children along with other FPC members didn’t hesitate when asked to make cookies for a Foster Family Picnic. Twenty-two foster families enjoyed your homemade baked goods and had enough to take a dozen home!  Thank you, FPC!

Ellen ClarkComment