Mission Updates

10 Years of Fostering Further

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Want to support Starting Strong and Fostering Further celebrating 10 years? Several of us do, too! Let Ellen know if you’d like more information or if you want to carpool. eclark@granpres.org

Ellen ClarkComment
Save the Date

March 9   Mission  “Lunch and Learn” with Tricia Hufford from New Beginnings

Right after worship as an extension of Reclaiming Faith and Reimagining Church.

Ellen ClarkComment
Attention Bakers!


FPC is in its second year of providing balanced meals to community members twice a month.  AND, topping it off with a homemade treat.  Would you like to be part of this important ministry at Second Presbyterian, Newark, but can’t commit to being there?

We really need bakers!  Could you commit to baking several dozen dessert servings once or twice a month?  This is a great opportunity for busy families and working individuals.  If this is something you would consider, please talk to Deb Hibler, Liz Tietz or Ellen. It’s a sweet thing!

Ellen ClarkComment
Starting Strong

OSU Care Packages

All school year, members of our congregation have been sending college care packages to a Starting Strong graduate currently attending OSU Main Campus.  The Director of Starting Strong told us this, “She is in a suite with several other girls, and they were all talking about getting care packages from their families.  She thought she would never receive care packages like the other girls.”

Thank you to Jim and Sara Light, Doris and Patty, Jenni and the children, Kristin and the youth, the Cherneys, Presbyterian Women and Nancy Bovenizer for agreeing to send love her way, packaged with care.

Ellen ClarkComment
Adult Work Trip

Summer 2025!

FPC is making plans with our Presbytery to participate in a Presbyterian Disaster Agency sponsored work trip.  We are looking into sites in Kentucky and North Carolina.  Let Ellen know if you would like more info and how to be involved.

Ellen ClarkComment
Mark your calendars!

Please mark your calendars for a light lunch and learn more about our community, the services offered to the underserved, and the successes enjoyed. 

On March 9, we will hear from Tricia Hufford of New Beginnings, a domestic violence shelter complete with services. Come hear how we are partnering with their organization. Then, on April 6, we invited Stephanie Dunlap to speak about Whole Living Recovery and how it is addressing addiction in Licking County. These speakers are in conjunction with the Faith Formation class: Reclaiming Faith, Reimagining Church, led by Jeff Kurtz. You do NOT have to be part of the class to attend these lunches. We hope you will join us!

Ellen ClarkComment
New Beginnings

Granville Presbyterian has a long history with the Center for New Beginnings, a shelter for battered men and women. 

The center offers free confidential housing and multiple services to community members and residents who need help with a “new beginning.". FPC member Carol Apacki took part in the founding of this agency over 25 years ago. FPC member Larry Murdoch currently serves on the Advisory Board. FPC has now committed to funding the construction of a furniture storage unit on the center’s property. Sally and Steve Stilwell met with the center’s director and have agreed to manage the furniture inventory and deliveries. Community members donate the furniture.  When people leave the shelter, they may select needed items for their new dwelling. We will be looking for other FPC folk to help the Stilwells with this hands-on mission. If you’d like to know more, talk to Ellen, Sally, or Steve.   AND that’s not all!!..... Tricia Hufford, the center’s director, will be at FPC on March 9, right after worship, as part of Jeff Kurtz's “Reclaiming Faith and Reimaging Church” faith formation class. Come find out more about the center and how you can become involved!

Ellen ClarkComment
Four Men and Three Trucks

That’s what it took to move furniture from a church member’s home to a young 18-year-old man, who has aged out of foster care.

Mark Atchison, Greg Bossart, Scott Heichel, and Keegan Kirwin didn’t hesitate when asked to load the furniture and make the trek to Lancaster. John Weigand lent his truck to complete the team. These men braved Saturday’s weather and set up the apartment. They were able to meet the young man and share the gratitude he felt. This young man has a place to lay his head and put his belongings thanks to Starting Strong, the donor, and the men who made it happen. What a blessing!

Ellen ClarkComment
Speaking of Blessings

On the cusp of below-zero temperatures, we got a text during worship Sunday from the Drop-In Center.

The director, who coordinates all volunteers and food for the Drop-in Center had to be hospitalized. A call for food went out to the congregation after the postlude. Within 20 minutes, we had over 14 volunteers to bring food! Then emails and phone calls came in. We were able to provide a hearty, balanced lunch for 40+ people on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday this week. In addition, several FPC members volunteered at The Warming Center so it could remain open. Without volunteers, it doesn’t operate.

The unsheltered are among us, and our congregation responded! Thanks be to God.

Ellen ClarkComment
The Bridges Out of Poverty Class: Rescheduled

The class planned for after worship beginning January 12, has to be rescheduled.

If you are interested in learning more about poverty and the people who experience it daily, please contact Ellen at eclark@granpres.org.  Zoom options are available!

Ellen ClarkComment
Celebrating 2024 and Ringing in New Opportunities for 2025!

As 2024 comes to an end, we celebrate ending the year with a festive Christmas dinner for the community in Newark. Along with a meal of ham, sweet potatoes, green beans, jello, and dessert, we gave out the “Warm Wishes” bags (the ones we made after church in Heritage Hall), and two men immediately commented on how they needed gloves!

We also celebrate the work done by 1500 Trees, highlighting the 25 live trees that lined Main Street all through the holidays. Ten of our church groups sponsored and decorated 10 of those 25. All live trees will be planted in Licking County, enhancing our environment for years!

As the calendar page turns to 2025, we will continue learning about poverty and racism, growing more in the understanding of how people live in our county, barely getting by. On January 12, we will begin a new class on Bridges Out of Poverty. If you haven’t had a chance to take this 7-week course, please join this one! We will meet after worship until 12:15. Interested? Please talk to Ellen.

In addition, we will have a 3-part series to answer the Biblical question, “Who Is My Neighbor?" Speakers from around the area will inform us about the conditions of poverty in Licking County. Watch for details to learn more.


Ellen ClarkComment
Ringing the Salvation Army Bell

Together, FPC raised $840.00 in one day for the Salvation Army. 

Together, FPC raised $840.00 in one day for the Salvation Army.  The Abraham/Tatham team, Acklins, Bibees, Burriss/Clark and Olaf team, Boyers, Collins, Kirwins, Krause, Kurtz, Misels, and Skeens.  You could hear joyful bell ringing and many a “Merry Christmas” at the Candlelight Walking Tour.  Grateful teamwork for an important ministry!


Ellen ClarkComment
Warm Wishes

Around 70 “Warm Wishes” bags were made in Heritage Hall on Sunday.

As the saying goes, “Many hands (on mission) made light work"! Barbee and Jeff Lamp serve at the Community Dinners in Newark. Barbee thought bringing a little Christmas joy to the December 23rd meal might warm a few hearts. She gathered the items, and many hands put the bags together. Hands-on Mission happens in so many ways, from an idea to loving action—and so much in between.


Ellen ClarkComment
Starting Strong Update

Starting Strong volunteers packed 60 bags full of “Christmas Wishes” for young adults. 

The bags included the 60 Walmart gift cards that our congregation graciously provided. Other items in the bags were blankets, pillows, and household goods. Thank you, Rob Drake, Beth Hall, and Karen Philips, for making this happen.

Ellen ClarkComment
Turkey Trot Thanks

FPC accepted the Turkey Trot challenge on Thanksgiving Day.

We had an enthusiastic group that gathered before the race to learn more about the Food Pantry Network and some of the people who experience food insecurity. By registering for the event, each participant provided almost $500’ worth of food for the pantry. (For every $1 donated, the pantry can buy $11 worth of food.) Giving thanks for all who came and donated!

Ellen ClarkComment
Alternative Gift Market


Share a gift that continues to bless others all year long by supporting our local & international mission partners. It's one gift that spreads your love around the world.

What do you give someone you love who has all they need? Come to Heritage Hall after worship for some ideas. You will find 5 agencies that are local and global, where you can donate in honor of a loved one. Our church has supported these agencies, and now you can share their stories with others. A true gift. See you in Heritage Hall after worship on December 8, 15, and 22.

Ellen ClarkComment
Community Thanksgiving Dinner

The Thanksgiving meal, headed by Liz Tietz and Deb Hibler, was heartwarming.

Over 112 meals were served, including takeouts. Steam rose from the plates, and the aroma of turkey, dressing, and homemade mashed potatoes filled the room. Our FPC volunteers, including ones making delicious desserts and table decorations, added to the festive mood. Conversations were uplifting, and spirits were high. Many “thank you’s” rang out from the guests. (And so many questions about who made the table decorations.) Our congregation, together with wonderful leadership, created a joyful dinner, complete with a topping of love.


Ellen ClarkComment
Christmas Joy Offering

Christmas Joy offering Dec 22!

The Christmas Joy offering is back! This year’s bulletin features someone near and dear to OUR hearts- our own Jenni Whitford! You can check out the incredible article on the PCUSA website here. We will be taking the Christmas Joy offering in worship on Sunday, December 22.

Kristin ReamComment
Grateful Hearts!

Thank you to all who supplied Walmart gift cards for young adults aged out of Foster Care. 

Sixty cards were delivered Monday morning to a very grateful staff at Fostering Further (Starting Strong’s parent organization). This Friday, Rob Drake, Mary Beth Hall, and Karen Philips will be packing sixty duffle bags for Christmas, which will include your cards. Thank you!


Ellen ClarkComment