Mission Updates

Other Ways To Support Children In Our Community

2nd Annual Fostering Further Car Show

Saturday, May 18th, from 10 am to 3 pm

Join us for the 2nd Annual Fostering Further Car Show hosted by Terry Sellars and the volunteers from the Newark Eagles on behalf of Fostering Further. All proceeds will benefit local foster youth. It will be held at the Newark Eagles building at 52 Forry St. from 10 am to 3 pm on Saturday, May 18th. There will be door prizes, a 50/50 drawing, food and awards.

Ellen ClarkComment
1500 Trees Chakoian Legacy Trees

Collaboration and Land Design

Working in partnership with Watkins High School students, 1500 Trees is collaborating with the Southwest Licking County School District to complete a landscape design for the new high school. 1500 Trees will be planting trees in honor of Karen Chakoian and her 24 years of ministry at First Presbyterian.

To learn more please check out the 1500 Trees webpage: https://www.1500trees.org/chakoian-legacy-trees

Kristin ReamComment
Thank You for helping CRIS

Thank you FPC…

For ALL the donations made to the Denison effort to support CRIS, helping refugees in Columbus.  Jeremy, the director from CRIS loaded his van and it was filled to the max. Leah, from Denison, was stunned and thrilled with the generosity.

Ellen ClarkComment
Got Clutter?

Got Clutter? 

Bring any household goods (excluding bed mattresses, springs, frames,  & headboards) to the church parking lot Friday, Saturday, or Sunday until 3 pm.  May 3, 4, 5.

A truck from St. Vincent de Paul will be in our lot to collect your treasures. If you can not lift your items into the truck, there will be a parking space next to the truck to leave your donations. An employee from St. Vincent will come every few hours to load those items. This is a low donation time of year for St. Vincent, which serves our neighbors experiencing poverty. We are partnering with them to increase donations!  If you have any questions, please call Mel Fraley at 740-920-4372.

Ellen ClarkComment
1500 Trees- Bounty Program

Bradford Pear “Bounty” Program – Partnering with Pollinator Pathway, 1500 Trees will help replace invasive Bradford Pear trees located in Public Spaces in Licking County. You can find out more info on the website for 1500 Trees, here.

What else is 1500 trees doing, you ask?  Watch for exciting news of the Chakoian Legacy Trees in future newsletters!

Kristin ReamComment
Starting Strong Apartment Needs Restocking

Hope Landing is an apartment community that houses young adults aging out of Foster Care.

We support one of the apartments with rent assistance, cleaning and restocking when empty.

The young man living in the apartment that FPC supports is moving out.  He is beginning his next step towards independence.  Between May 31 and June 15, we agreed to clean and restock the apartment to make ready for the next young adult. If you are interested in this one-time, 3-4 hour commitment, please let Ellen know.

Ellen ClarkComment
The Grad Grove- A Project of 1500 Trees!

1500 Trees Grad Grove

We are Granville High School students committed to creating a common space at GHS to commemorate graduates with trees in their honor. (GHS AP Environment students: Teresa Collins, Izzi Fuller, Lilly Kronk, Ava Rose Pastis with James Reding in partnership with 1500 TREES.)

 The Grad Grove is an approximately 3 acre alumni forest at GHS to be planted with diverse, native trees. Beginning in the spring of 2024, students will begin clearing the land for initial plantings with the goal of adding 300 trees to the campus. With your support, the Grad Grove will provide conservation, education and a lasting legacy for the community. Celebrate your Granville High School graduate by donating a tree in their honor. 

 Accepting Donations Now :  1500trees.org/grad-grove

Stay tuned next week to learn about the Tree Bounty/Pollinator Pathway

Kristin ReamComment
Thank You for your Generosity!

40 gift cards delivered to Starting Strong!

Yesterday, we met with Starting Strong to discuss our partnership going forward.  At this meeting we delivered 40 gift cards for their graduating seniors!  Once again, our congregation responded with notes of encouragement and celebratory gift cards.  We thank God for your generosity!


Ellen ClarkComment
Please Bring Your Starting Strong Gift Cards This Sunday

April 21 is the last day to return your graduation gift cards for young people who are aging out of foster care.

There is a collection basket in the office. If the office is locked, just slip your card under the door. This is a wonderful way to commend graduates who might not have other celebrations for their accomplishments.  Thank you!

Ellen ClarkComment
Do You Have a Few Extra Hours Tuesdays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays?

The Drop-In Center needs volunteers for 2 hours shifts.

The shifts are from 10 – 12:30 pm and 12:30 – 2:30 pm. The center must close if there are not enough volunteers. The center provides a meal, a place to receive mail and charge a phone, but most of all a place to rest when you are homeless. This might be a way to serve your neighbor.

Would you like to know more?  Contact Ellen at eclark@granpres.org.  This might be a way to serve your neighbor.


Ellen ClarkComment
One Great Hour of Sharing Offering Matters!

FPC collected $3142.00 for this year’s OGHS Offering!

Your generosity will touch lives through the Presbyterian Disaster Relief, Hunger Program and Self-Development of People.

100% of your donation will be sent to Presbyterian Mission Agency. Thank you!

Ellen ClarkComment
Starting Strong Graduates!

Graduation 2024!

Starting Strong, an organization supporting teens who age out of Foster Care, has 13 graduates this year! 

These young adults, once they graduate, will no longer be supported by Foster Care. They are basically on their own. The fact that they graduate from high school is a positive step for their future. Let’s help them celebrate their accomplishments. Most of these graduates will not have a celebration like we are accustomed to. Our church is collecting gift cards for each graduate, to help them get started on their own. Come to Heritage Hall, find the “Giving Tree”, and see what this is all about. Cards are requested by April 21.  Thank you to Wonderful Wednesday for getting the tree ready for us all.

Ellen ClarkComment
Donate Clothing!

CRIS (Columbus Refugee and Immigration Services)

in conjunction with Denison University is collecting gently used clothing and accessories for the month of April. 

FPC is participating with collection bins in Heritage Hall .  We hope you’ll take this opportunity to donate items you no longer need. Please bring all donations by April 28.  Thank You!!


Ellen ClarkComment
Coat Drive until April 7!

Spring warmth is fast approaching!

The Coat Drive continues through Sunday, April 7th. We are receiving all sizes, for all ages. Thank You! Thank You! To all who have given!

Ellen ClarkComment
1500 Trees Exciting New Projects

Did you know?  1500 Trees has new projects about to launch!

  1. Grad Grove – Granville High School students have committed to creating a common space at GHS to commemorate graduates with trees planted in their honor. Our own Ava Rose Pastis and Izzi Fuller are working with Jim Redding, a GHS AP Environment teacher, and partnering with 1500 Trees.

  2. Chakoian Legacy Trees – Working in partnership with Watkins High School students, 1500 Trees is collaborating with the Southwest Licking County School District to complete a landscape design for the new high school. 1500 Trees will be planting trees in honor of Karen Chakoian and her 24 years of ministry at First Presbyterian.

  3. Bradford Pear “Bounty” Program – Partnering with Pollinator Pathway, 1500 Trees will help replace invasive Bradford Pear trees located in public spaces in Licking County.

  4. Candlelight Walking Tour - 1500 Trees and the Granville Chamber of Commerce will continue to provide live trees instead of cut ones during the 2024 Candlelight Walking Tour.

On April 21, Earth Day, we will hear more from 1500 Trees and this incredible ministry. You won’t want to miss it!

Kristin ReamComment
New Bridges Out of Poverty Class this April!

Come and learn about different values, hidden rules, and languages among different socio-economic groups. It’s fascinating!

Join Us!

Participants experience “aha” moments every time we offer Bridges Out of Poverty.  Seeing all people with different lenses and opened hearts happens in beautiful ways. Come to one of the next sessions and experience your own “aha”!  Every Sunday in April from 11:15 – 12:15. In the church basement. Email Ellen with any questions.

Ellen ClarkComment
Mission Committee Seeking New Members

Have you ever been curious about our church’s Mission Committee and what they do? 

Have you ever felt a nudge to join? If yes, we’d love for you to “come aboard”. It is not a closed group, and no invitation is needed.

The Mission Committee meets monthly to guide our congregation in the ways of Matthew 25. Please contact Ellen if you would like to know more. You can also speak with Mel Fraley, Alan Mabry, Jody Sturgeon, Chris and Sue Cherney, Mike Schmidt, or Brian Fuller.




Ellen ClarkComment
Team 78 Visits Warming Center

Team 78 visited the Warming Center – Drop-In Center at Holy Trinity Lutheran, Newark this past Sunday. 

Thank you, No’el Fortner for helping get us there!  We toured the site and learned some of the conditions people experiencing homelessness face daily.  The pastor, Deb Dingus shared that the centers provide a place to charge phones, grab a meal, rest from the elements and have a mailing address.

Team 78 made 50 bag lunches for the center and were then able to see where the lunches were used.   


Ellen ClarkComment
A Testimony from Sara Light

In Her Words…

I attended the Wonderful Wednesday at which the speaker was the husband of Tracee Laing (Tracee was ill), founder of Healing Arts Missions. He explained that conditions in Haiti are truly awful due to gangs controlling much of the country.  Healing Arts Missions was forced to close its medical clinic and, most recently, suspend all medical services. (They do still support a school and water program.) The doctor who ran the clinic has friends who were kidnapped.  Basic services and food are scarce.  Hearing all of this, my heart went out to the people of Haiti.

A couple of weeks later, I was reading the newspaper (Luddite that I am) and saw an article on displaced residents of an apartment complex in Columbus.  The complex had been closed due to unsafe and unhealthy living conditions.  The article said that many of the displaced residents were Haitian immigrants and that many of them had come to this country through a trafficker who lied to them and swindled them.  Had I read the article earlier, I would have thought “How could they be so stupid?”  But after the Wonderful Wednesday presentation, I realized that these folks may have been in a situation where they were desperate to get out of Haiti- that anything might seem better. 

We at the church were invited to show up for the people of Haiti by coming to the presentation and learning about their conditions.  At the time, I thought,  “That isn’t doing much”, but I was wrong.  It made me “think” differently. It changed my understanding and opened my heart to their plight.

Ellen ClarkComment