New Beginnings
Granville Presbyterian has a long history with the Center for New Beginnings, a shelter for battered men and women.
The center offers free confidential housing and multiple services to community members and residents who need help with a “new beginning.". FPC member Carol Apacki took part in the founding of this agency over 25 years ago. FPC member Larry Murdoch currently serves on the Advisory Board. FPC has now committed to funding the construction of a furniture storage unit on the center’s property. Sally and Steve Stilwell met with the center’s director and have agreed to manage the furniture inventory and deliveries. Community members donate the furniture. When people leave the shelter, they may select needed items for their new dwelling. We will be looking for other FPC folk to help the Stilwells with this hands-on mission. If you’d like to know more, talk to Ellen, Sally, or Steve. AND that’s not all!!..... Tricia Hufford, the center’s director, will be at FPC on March 9, right after worship, as part of Jeff Kurtz's “Reclaiming Faith and Reimaging Church” faith formation class. Come find out more about the center and how you can become involved!