Mission Going Forward
Mission Going Forward
new logo designed by Courtney Swisher
Our Mission Team, consisting of Carol Apacki, Sue and Chris Cherney, Mel Fraley, Brian Fuller, Alan Mabry, Mike Schmidt and Jody Sturgeon, spent all of 2023 planning, advising, researching agencies in our area to become our “Pilot Program” and more. All the while, continuing to support several local agencies with mission dollars AND many hands-on opportunities for our FPC members. Courtney Swisher also spent hours keeping us on Social Media, creating videos, fliers and our Bridges logo! We are now partnering with Starting Strong as our pilot program going forward. If you were not able to attend the Annual Meeting, you can ask Ellen for a recording to hear from the Director of Fostering Further/Starting Strong, Yvonne Williams. We are moving in a faithful direction to “build bridges in our community, drawing closer to God, to our neighbors and to ourselves.” A heartfelt thank you to your Mission Team and to all of FPC for living out Matthew 25 then, now and going forward!