Presbyterian Disaster Assistance Relief
Hurricane Helene caused a huge amount of damage to many beloved places in the south.
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance is one way that you can help!
Heavy on all our hearts this season is the damage and loss caused by this hurricane seasons. Many of us know people who have been in harm’s way and are displaced. Montreat Conference Center which has blessed so many of us was not unscathed by the destruction in western North Carolina. During times of disaster, it is good to remember that if you donate to One Great Hour of Sharing each spring, then YOU are there, on the ground immediately, whenever disaster strikes anywhere in the world. Presbyterian Disaster Assistance is funded by OGHS to respond usually within hours, working through church partners.
Here is the PDA report from October 3, following Hurricane Helene:
PDA is part of a large and dedicated community of disaster response organizations. PDA has three initial deployment teams in Tampa Bay Presbytery, Holston Presbytery (Eastern Tennessee), and Western North Carolina Presbytery. Two additional deployments are scheduled to Northeast Georgia Presbytery and Foothills Presbytery (South Carolina).
In addition, PDA has sent six initial assistance grants to six Presbyteries to support unmet immediate needs and two church damage grants. We anticipate additional grant requests.
Please continue to pray for survivors, those who have experienced loss of loved ones, and responders. Know that your support of PDA is addressing immediate needs and will provide the necessary resources to support the long-term recovery, which will take many years.
To learn more about the Presbyterian response and to donate to PDA, you can go to this website: You can also donate to our church and mark your gift “PDA” or “hurricane.”
Of course, please continue to pray for all those who are affected by these events and for those who are working to rescue and assist.