
Session Update November/December 2024

When your Session met in November, Jenni Whitford and Kristin Ream spoke about their ministry areas, highlighting challenges and opportunities for the next 2-3 years. 

Jenni stated that Faith Formation is progressing well, emphasizing the popularity of the Wonderful Wednesday program and youth participation in the Angel Choir. Kristin sees growing prospects in adult education for young adults and college ministry. They both agreed that we still need to attract young families.

Reverend McCormick stated at the December meeting that the pledge campaign had received a positive response. There were multiple increased pledges, new pledges, pledges from those who had stopped promising but resumed, and a rise in the number of commitments. Reverend Wendy McCormick congratulated the campaign team, emphasizing that it also included the staff who created the films and the church members who appeared in them. In January, everyone will get a letter detailing the campaign's results.

Elder Reed Fraley presented a report on Kier Trust investments, and the Session approved a provisional budget for 2025.

Reverend McCormick finished the gathering by thanking the outgoing Session members for their service and presenting them with a gift. Elder Linda Scott, on behalf of the Session, thanked Reverend McCormick for her leadership this year and gave her a gift as well.

Kristin ReamComment
Session Update October

At the October meeting, Elder Danny Hussey shared the organizational chart he created with roles and responsibilities described for Elders and Deacons, as well as staff in leadership positions. He will continue working on this document to include volunteers and committees. He also presented an update on the HVAC project, the session project, and approved a contractual agreement with Lincoln Construction for pre-construction estimates. Elder Reed Fraley presented a revised Joseph Fund Policy as well as Joseph Fund requests for handrails in the sanctuary and an exterior door safety upgrade; all were approved.

Kristin ReamComment
Session Update- Sept 24

Read below for updates from the Session meetings for August and September.

In August, your Session got an update on the HVAC project from Brandon Wilson and Elder Danny Hussey. Bids had been received but none were satisfactory, so they were going to continue looking. In September Elder Hussey presented a brief update on the project. There are two contractors interested in the project. One specializes in projects for churches; they will develop a proposal for us.

Also in August, Reverend McCormick reported that she had met with Elder Dan Volkema, Mike Schmidt, Erica Bruce, and Jeff Kurtz to discuss the theming for the fall stewardship campaign. Elder Reed Fraley presented some background information in preparation for the 2025 budget.Session approved a request by Welsh Hills School to use the church facilities for two days to be determined during the 2024-25 school as a “home base” for students as they visit sites in the village.

In September, Reverend McCormick presented a review of the Session structure relative to the changes that were made a couple of years ago. Discussion focused primarily on which committee chairpersons need to be on Session. Elder Danny Hussey presented a church organizational chart as part of a project to determine how Session members can connect with ministry areas within the church.

Elder Kathy Craig presented the proposed by-law changes that were approved at the congregational meeting on October 6. Elder Beth Hall reported that the Session will be sponsoring one of the live Christmas trees that will be placed in the village as part of the 1500 Trees project.

Kristin ReamComment
Session Update

Your Session (governing board) and Board of Deacons enjoyed a joint dinner gathering last month to get better acquainted with one another and their work.

Besides having a good time, they talked over two topics raised by last year’s “Holy Cow” church mission study. The study found that our church is vibrant and thriving. It also identified that we want to prioritize making the necessary changes to welcome young adults and families. Around tables, our leaders discussed: What do you celebrate about our church this year? In what ways do you see us ready to change, and in what ways do you see us resisting change? Thanks to all our leaders. . . . and how do you answer those questions?

Kristin ReamComment
Minutes from June Meeting

In June, your Session met to discuss several subjects. John Weigand, PNC Chair, reported that the PNC attended training at Presbytery earlier in the month.  The pastor financial package was discussed as well as the narrative and numerical responses for the Ministry Discernment Profile. Session endorsed the Ministry Discernment Profile draft as submitted.  On a side note, it has since been submitted to Presbytery and approved.

 Elder Reed Fraley reviewed the history of the Kier Trust its financial status, and what has been committed to be spent in four categories: Facility (TEC and HVAC project), Staff Funding, Mission Investment and Holy Cow! Consulting.  The majority of the trust has not yet been spent and it still earning approximately 5% interest. 

 We then heard from Ellen Clark who reported that on June 18, 2024 the Mission Committee voted to give a transformational grant to the Starting Strong program of Fostering Further.  She gave details about what the organization had requested and that the Committee had chosen to allocate funds in addition to the amount requested.  They also decided to allocate up to $50,000 in a matching challenge grant and that member Mike Schmidt offered to assist Starting Strong in developing and structuring a successful fund-raising campaign.  This brings the total amount of support from First Presbyterian Church to $180,000.

 Elder Danny Hussey reported that bid requests for the HVAC project went out earlier in June and a walk-through is scheduled for July 2.  The plans will need Session approval and a special meeting will be called in late July/early August for this purpose.

 Elder Reed Fraley also discussed three new policies: Gift Acceptance, Spending, and Investment.  If Session approves these policies, it will allow Finance Committee to make minor changes to other existing policies. These changes will be discussed at our August meeting. 

 Reverend McCormick reminded us of the joint Session/Deacon Event on August 8, 2024 at 6 p.m.  This will be a time of fellowship, discussing Holy Cow! information, and discussing how we are organized and sharing the work.

 Kristin Ream, Director of Senior High Youth & Communication, requested a total of $4500 from the Mission Scholarship Fund for seminary students. This was approved.

Kristin ReamComment
Session Update

June 2024

During its May meeting, your Session met with Kristin Ream, to hear about her interest in becoming an Inquirer for ministry as she plans to attend Duke Divinity School.

Kristin spoke at length about her faith journey and thought process up to this point. Session members asked questions and there was a thoughtful discussion. Session enthusiastically endorsed Kristin for the inquiry process with the presbytery. We hope to offer updates periodically as she goes through the four-year hybrid degree program and the denomination’s process of discernment and preparation for ministry. 

Other business conducted included a discussion of an FPC organizational chart, focusing on the “big” areas of the church and how these are related to staff members and their roles. Elder Danny Hussey is working on this project.

Elder Reed Fraley reported on the finances and we are in good shape. In addition, the Finance Committee has been working on revising policies that will be presented to Session in June.

Reverend McCormick reported that she has been working with the Deacons, and a joint meeting between the Session and Deacons has been scheduled for August for our officers to talk together about church goals and organization. She also announced that there will be a “push” this summer for everyone to update their contact information. This is to help her and our next pastor get to know people, and it will allow us to produce an up-to-date directory.

Kristin ReamComment
Session Update- April 2024

Your Session has been busy the last couple of months focusing on several major themes.

A considerable number of Mission projects have been discussed. 1500 Trees, which is now part of Mission, will be asking for donations this spring in honor of Karen Chakoian.

More information, including where the trees will be planted, will be forthcoming. Two fundraising projects have also been approved: one that was inspired by the Wonderful Wednesday presentation about the Healing Arts Mission to be launched later this month, and another that will be used to fund Youth Mission Trips that will occur in August.

The Pastor Nominating process is proceeding nicely, and the PNC had its first meeting on March 18. In February, Session approved the final draft of the Mission Study, which, when approved by Presbytery, will be used by the Pastor Nominating Committee. In addition, in March, the job description for Head of Staff was also approved and forwarded to Presbytery. It will be an important resource as the Pastor Nominating Committee continues with its work.

Church security has been discussed at the last two meetings, and a team of Scott Heichel, Greg Bossart, Dwayne Carrington, and Jeff Hussey has been meeting and gathering information.

Kristin ReamComment