In August, your Session got an update on the HVAC project from Brandon Wilson and Elder Danny Hussey. Bids had been received but none were satisfactory, so they were going to continue looking. In September Elder Hussey presented a brief update on the project. There are two contractors interested in the project. One specializes in projects for churches; they will develop a proposal for us.
Also in August, Reverend McCormick reported that she had met with Elder Dan Volkema, Mike Schmidt, Erica Bruce, and Jeff Kurtz to discuss the theming for the fall stewardship campaign. Elder Reed Fraley presented some background information in preparation for the 2025 budget.Session approved a request by Welsh Hills School to use the church facilities for two days to be determined during the 2024-25 school as a “home base” for students as they visit sites in the village.
In September, Reverend McCormick presented a review of the Session structure relative to the changes that were made a couple of years ago. Discussion focused primarily on which committee chairpersons need to be on Session. Elder Danny Hussey presented a church organizational chart as part of a project to determine how Session members can connect with ministry areas within the church.
Elder Kathy Craig presented the proposed by-law changes that were approved at the congregational meeting on October 6. Elder Beth Hall reported that the Session will be sponsoring one of the live Christmas trees that will be placed in the village as part of the 1500 Trees project.