August 17th we’re doing a TRIVIA NIGHT fundraiser for youth mission trips and the Licking County Food Pantry Network.
Details coming soon, but mark your calendars now!
August 17th we’re doing a TRIVIA NIGHT fundraiser for youth mission trips and the Licking County Food Pantry Network.
Details coming soon, but mark your calendars now!
Hey friends!
We can’t wait to celebrate the end of the school year with you!
Don’t despair—- there’s a whole summer calendar of FUN coming up.
Hey all! We’ve got some amazing things planned for this summer! Please take a look at the calendars below!
FRIDAY MAY 3- We’re going to support Max and Sydney on stage (and several of our friends backstage) at the GHS musical The Putman County Spelling Bee. Please RSVP to Kristin by Wednesday May 1 so that I can get your ticket! Meet at church at 6pm or school at 6:30. No youth Sunday May 5.
Sunday May 12- It’s Mother’s Day! Have dinner with your mamma. Do something nice for her. No youth.
Sunday May 19- SENIOR BLESSING and End of the program year brunch. Come to church at 10am. Bless our seniors, the join us for a fancy-pants brunch as we celebrate the end of the year together. Brunch 1130- 1pm.
Please join us on May 19 for one of our favorite traditions, blessing the high school seniors. The Angel Choir will be singing for the last time this program year, and we'll honor the seniors from The Angel Choir and our congregation following their anthem.
We’re meeting at our normal time - 6 pm in Heritage Hall, but we’re staying to hang out late (midnight pickup)! There’s no school on April 8th, so come play some games and hang out. FRIENDS WELCOME.
Please let Kristin know if you’re planning to come!