Greetings to Circle attendees, Presbyterian Women, all,
Do not worry!
This week is not circle week, but this mailing gives us an opportunity to share some important information concerning our PW (Presbyterian Women) commitments over the next few months.
Each year, as many of you know, Circle and women’s groups of our denomination are asked to make a pledge to the work of women in our denomination, work that goes back many generations. Traditionally the larger portion of our pledge has come from a fall event: Rummage Sale morphed into dinners into Holiday Fairs with crafts, baked goods and meals. This year it’s on Election Day, November 5th, and it is a Bake Sale! Our staff is supporting and helping with our work, (Jenni has seen election day sales in other churches) and we are inviting the entire congregation to share in the effort. Whether you are able to bake or not, perhaps you can encourage someone else to contribute cookies, cupcakes, pies, cakes on your behalf … you get the idea… proceeds … to make a pledge to PW in the wider church and to Presbyterian Disaster Assistance. As always, we need workers, so let me know if you would like to price or to work a couple hours.
In other news! We are buying a tree! Ellen has committed to providing 15 balled Christmas Trees for street lined Granville! Various bodies (choirs, youth, etc.) will provide trees and PW is doing one. It’s $150, so anyone who wishes to make a donation can let one of us know. We will have a basket at our October Circle Meeting. We’ll decorate the tree with our emblem laminated and hanging with colorful ribbons!
And, speaking of Circle, our meeting is Friday, October 18th at 12:30. We will hear Sue Cherney as she discusses Fostering Forward and our church’s commitment to Starting Strong. We’ll continue thinking about the future of PW; we’ll have a basket for Christmas tree help; we’ll have another basket for any ‘monthly/annual’ personal pledge you might wish to make (gone is the ‘blue box.’)
Talk with one another, encourage attending our once monthly meetings, and help us know what you would circle to be and do.
Happy October! God’s Blessings! Liz Tietz on behalf of your Coordinating Team, Karen Treece, Dana Williams, Connie Acklin