Election Day Bake Sale!
Women, men, everyone! Bake your favorite cookies, cakes, breads, pies and goodies! Bring them to the church kitchen by 4:00 p.m. Monday, November 4th. Why??? First Presbyterian Women are part of a long tradition of PW’s making an annual mission pledge to the women’s work of PC(USA), supporting educational and medical mission sites worldwide. For well over 70 years, a November sale, (crafts, baked goods, yummy meals, Grandma’s Attic) has provided a large portion of our annual pledge.
This year our staff, Jenni, Ellen, Brandon, have all offered to help us! So, bring your good food! We’ll have a tent outside on November 5th, all to support our annual mission pledge and Presbyterian Disaster Assistance. And, thank you, all, in advance!