Office News

End of Year Giving Statements

End of Year Giving Statements were emailed and mailed on Tuesday, January 14th.

Please check you email or mailbox for these as you may need them for your tax returns.

If you have any questions about your Giving Statement, please contact Patty Hussey at or at 740-587-0178.

Kristin ReamComment
Christmas Eve Offering

We are pleased to announce…

The Christmas Eve offering raised $1,863 for the Pastors’ Discretionary Fund. With grateful hearts, we thank you for your generosity.

Doris PorterComment
Coffee Hour Treats Sign Up!

Have you been enjoying the refreshments offered twice a month after worship in Heritage Hall? 

A lot more people are sticking around for coffee and conversations, and we think the good coffee and tempting treats help to enhance our sense of belonging to a beloved community. Now, YOU can help spread the joy!

We are looking for volunteers willing to provide refreshments once in a while (not a big commitment). You could bring 2 to 3 dozen muffins (or other baked goods), fresh fruit, cheese and crackers… whatever you feel would be nourishing for body and soul. 

Can we count on you to join this ministry of hospitality?  Please complete the Sign-Up Genius today for the first or third Sunday dates January through May!  PLEASE CLICK THE LINK TO SIGN UP TODAY!

Kristin ReamComment
2024 Pledges

Please do not forget to send the balance of 2024 Pledges before the end of the year.

You can log in to your account on Realm, call the church office to ask for Patty, or send an email ( to get more information.
Do not forget that ALL gifts must be postmarked or received in person in the office by December 31, 2024, to show on your 2024 Giving Statement and/or to be claimed on 2024 taxes.

Doris PorterComment
Giving Envelopes

For those of you who appreciate having weekly giving envelopes,

they can be found on a small table right outside the Business Office for the next few Sundays (through January.) Please feel free to take a box if you would like one. Please note they are not required and are simply available for your convenience.

Doris PorterComment
Giving Statements

Year to date giving statements were emailed or mailed on Tuesday, October 1st.

Please take a look at yours and make sure your records agree with ours.

If you have any questions, please contact Patty Hussey at or by calling the church.

Thank you!

Kristin ReamComment
Giving Statements

Giving Statments

Giving Statements were emailed or mailed to everyone last week for year-to-date giving through Friday, July 21st.

Please take a look and make sure your statement is correct.

If you have any questions, please contact Patty at or 740-587-0178.

Thank you!

Kristin ReamComment
Flower Dedication

Chancel Flower Dedication!

We want to take this opportunity to remind everyone that a beautiful way to honor or remember someone special is by providing flowers for the Sunday service. Your name & dedication will be placed in the bulletin during that week. If you have questions or would like to schedule a date, please call the church office 740-587-0178.

Doris PorterComment