Joseph Fund
The Joseph Fund
Joseph Fund
“The Joseph Fund is an opportunity to do something special. We don’t necessarily know what that will be—kids or carpets or a mission opportunity. It will work best when it does amazing things.”
In the Old Testament, Joseph demonstrated his good judgment and stewardship to prepare for difficult times. With insight and intelligence, he ensured that people had enough to sustain them in times of abundance and through times of want. The Joseph Fund provides support for First Presbyterian Church in the manner of Joseph.
The Joseph Fund is a reserve fund, meant as a “savings account” set aside by the Church to meet the costs of major upkeep or unexpected opportunities that arise. This fund pays for timely projects that don't occur on an annual basis. Monies will be invested, earning interest, until the Church faces either a major cost or an unexpected (and unbudgeted) mission-or ministry-related opportunity.
FPC Session will determine all qualifying expenditures of the Joseph Fund.Initially, up to 15% annually may be spent on one-time projects for properties and ministries.
The Joseph Fund is invested, and its principal and earnings are spent, in accordance with the Investment and Spending Policy recommended by the Finance Committee and adopted by FPC Session.
The Joseph Fund has a target amount of $750,000.
As funds are spent from the Joseph Fund, it will be replenished by additional gifts from donors to the Joseph Fund and by FPC Session’s designation of unrestricted gifts outside of annual stewardship.
How to contribute to the Joseph Fund
When you are ready, we have a simple Pledge Form specifically for this initiative. Our goal is to reach the target through congregational gifts and pledges by the end of 2018. Gifts to the Joseph Fund can be made at any time. Pledges can be paid over three years.
Documents that may be helpful include our Ways to Give brochure, Investment and Spending Policy, and Gift Acceptance Policies and Guidelines.
To receive a copy please call the church office at
at (740)587-0178.
If you have questions, please call Tom Martin, Chair, Commitment 2018 and Beyond,
at (740)809-2206, or send a confidential email.