Faith Formation Updates

VBS Training Update

We’re STILL looking for Volunteers!

AND we are filled with gratitude for our volunteers! Volunteers are the people that truly make VBS so special! Keep reading for info!

We are so incredibly thankful for all… and we’re STILL looking for Volunteers!

VBS Training Date: June 6th: 10am or 7pm – at FPC Granville (attend ONE)

All Teens and Adults MUST attend training or make other arrangements with Jenni


Kristin ReamComment

HUGE thanks to our families and kids for the wonderful worship last Sunday, May 12.

The children led most of the service, the children + mom choir musical offering was beautiful, and Min and Ling Yang’s violin piece was particularly moving. Our church is very blessed to families who love to worship God and share leadership!

Kristin ReamComment
Pray Ground!

What is a Pray Ground?

It is a space in the Sanctuary, specifically designed for children to worship God with the community of faith and engage with the Holy Spirit.

The space will be at the front of the Sanctuary. Families may sit together in the front, take liturgical/worship activities to their pews, or sit with Jenni, near the front. Small chairs and a table will be set up to welcome littles. Bags or tubs will be filled with worship activities to help connect the scripture, sermon, and songs chosen for the day. This will be a change for our whole congregation. The children may talk aloud, perhaps they will wander the aisle, or dance during a hymn. Let us show grace, love, support, and patience as we "try this out" for the summer. May we support the parents of the children, too. A smile, an encouraging wave, or an invitation to sit with you during worship would be most appreciated.

Watch a video about Pray Grounds recorded by Brittany Porch and Broadstreet Presbyterian Church:

Kristin ReamComment
VBS Registration Closes May 13


Registration closes May 13!

We are the host church this year - WHOO-HOO! Make sure your child is signed up:

It takes a ton 'o volunteers to make the VBS magic happen! Teens and Adults are able to help out! Please volunteer:
Training date for volunteers: Thursday, June 6, 10 am & 7 pm (choose one) at FPC
Teens will TYE-DYE their shirts at Training!

Kristin ReamComment
May 5 Worship Preparation for Children (and Parents)

11:15am-12:15pm --- All KIDS who are participating in May 12 worship will practice, prep and rehearse. Parents, please join Jenni in the sanctuary to help with prep.

11:15-11:45: Kids who are Music – will rehearse with Mr. Aaron in the Youth Choir Room.

Kids who are not in Music will practice talking in the microphone, how to carry the Worship elements, where to sit, stand and learn the hand motions to The Lord’s Prayer.

11:45-12:15 – Kids who are in Music will get their chance to practice their assigned roles.

Kristin ReamComment
Mother's Day- Children Led Worship

On May 12th, Mother’s Day, the children will greet, usher, read scripture, help carry in the worship elements, ring the bell, light the candle, say prayers and teach us the hand motions for The Lord’s Prayer. Mr. Aaron and the children will sing a beautiful song honoring their mothers. Pastor Wendy will inspire us to “Look Around” with a sermon about The Ascension.

Kristin ReamComment
Podcast and Pub Theology!

Week 2 Podcast - “You Are Changing the World Whether You Like it or Not”.

The author of the book, David LaMotte shares his thoughts on why he wrote this book and what he hopes to inspire others to move toward.

Follow up with…

David LaMotte’s book, “You Are Changing the World Whether You Like it or Not” podcast with a Pub Theology discussion at Trek Brewing on May 2nd at 630pm. Trek Brewing will be doing Trek Together for Jacob’s Porch at OSU. 10% of your total check will go to support this awesome organization.

How can we move from a Hero Narrative to a Movement Narrative? We can change the world, but how do we know what is ours to do? Join the conversation, listen and challenge one another.

Kristin ReamComment
New to the Church? Come and See!

Would you like to know about the church? *** COME AND SEE*** Coffee and Conversation with Pastor Wendy --- May 5th after worship, 11:15 – 12noon in the Lounge. What is a Presbyterian? Why do we baptize babies? Who designed the stained glass in the Sanctuary? How does this church live out its Mission in the Community? Learn and get to know more about the church.

Kristin ReamComment
NEW Podcast- You Are Changing The World Whether You Like It or Not

New this week on the GRANPRES PODCAST –

Jenni introduces author, David LaMotte and his book, “You Are Changing the World, Whether You Know it or Not”.

In a troubled world, it is easy to feel overwhelmed. The problems seem impossibly huge, and we are often seduced into believing it is impossible to have a positive impact. David LaMotte knows this is a myth. Through his own experience and the stories of many others, he illustrates the practical value of small, organized efforts. The truth is, we are all planting seeds of change whether we know it or not. This will be a two-week series, ending with an in-person discussion on May 2 at Trek Brewing. The discussion at Trek will center around What is ours to do? What is bugging you, what do you bring, the power in who YOU are, the not-so-radical-activist.

Kristin ReamComment
Mother's Day Worship

May 12 Mothers Day

10 AM Worship is a Children-Led service

May 12 – Mother’s Day – 10 AM Worship We will celebrate Ascension Day with the children reading, leading, praying, singing, and celebrating our risen Lord. Each child will be assigned a worship duty: ringing the bell, lighting the candle, carrying in the Bible, teaching the congregation hand motions, designing the bulletin cover, ushering, and more. We will spend the month of April preparing for this special worship service.

Kristin ReamComment
April Faith Formation

During the week:

8:30am: Monday Menmeets in the Lounge

5:30pm: Wednesday’s – Dinner, Worship and Scripture Activities (all ages) meets in Heritage Hall

9:30am: Friday’s – Prayer Group – meets in the Chapel

2pm: Thursday’s – The Bible Speaks (meets on Zoom)

3rd Friday of the month (Noon) – Chloe Wells Circle (Presbyterian Women) Meets in the Amelia Room at Otterbein

Book: “You Are Changing the World, Whether You Like it or Not” by David LaMotte

Podcast – Episodes drop on April 17 and 24



9am Sunday: Prismmeets in the Lounge

Sunday mornings: 11:15-12:15

Parents: Ellen is leading a 4-week “Building Bridges” class – designed especially for Families. We have lined up special guest speakers to share what they have learned engaging in the community. Meets in the Cellar


Babies – age 5 --- Child Care Room with Emma (945am-12:15pm)

K-6th grade: 30 minutes with Mr. Aaron in Children’s Music and 30 minutes with Jenni – worship prep for May 12 (Mother’s Day)


Team 78: 30 minutes with Jenni and 30 minutes hangin’ out

The 7th and 8th graders are helping in worship on April 28, May 12 and May 19 – we will spend our 30-minute time slot preparing (11:15-11:45am) Meets in the Library 

Sr. High Youth Sunday: 6pm --- Dinner and Fellowship/Service/Study Meets in the cellar

Kristin ReamComment
It's Time to Register for VBS!

VBS registration is OPEN – ages Preschool – 6th grade……..Teen Helpers and Adult Volunteers can sign up, too!

June 10-14 (9am-12noon)

We are am offering “After VBS” this year again. (Noon-4pm, M-Th) There is no specific specific sign-up – just send me an email to let me know your kids are coming.

M – Library (and cookie baking)

T – Pottery wheel and Clay with Cathy Tietz-Boring (and Lemonade/Bake Sale)

W – Yoga with Granville Yoga with Karen Scott (and shopping at Ross’ and ice cream)

Th – Blessing Box and Water Park – Heath (will need drivers)


Kristin ReamComment
Easter Sunday!

Children will worship in the pews with families!

Make sure to get a pew worship bag from Jenni with lots of awesome quiet activities to do! Alleluia! Christ is Risen!

Kristin ReamComment
Palm Sunday Parade

Join us THIS SUNDAY for a Palm Sunday Palm parade!

The children will parade through the church aisles waving palms during the first hymn, All Glory Laud and Honor. There will be No Faith Formation or Children’s Music following the service on Sunday.

Kristin ReamComment
Lent Week 5- Lord's Prayer

Try to memorize the Lord’s Prayer this week. Using hand motions helps us to remember the words.

Our Father which art in heaven
(Lift right arm, then left arm overhead, fingers pointing up– hold.)

Hallowed be thy name,
(Bring arms down, hands on shoulders.) 

Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
(Slowly lower both arms to sides.)

Give us this day our daily bread.
(Cup hands in front of body as if holding something.)

Forgive us all our debts,
(Bow head and fold hands as if praying.)

As we forgive our debtors.
(Unfold hands – palms facing away from body – hold arms outstretched, palms down, as if laying hands on someone.)

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
(Hold hands in front of face, palms toward face.)

For Thine is the kingdom
(Arms down, angled slightly out from body, hands open, fingers pointing down.)

The power,
(Make fists with hands, cross arms at chest height by touching wrists.)

And the glory
(Open arms and hands, lift arms overhead.)

Forever and ever.  Amen.
(Sweep right arm across the body to outstretched position, then do the same with the left, then bring hands in and fold as if in prayer.)

Kristin ReamComment
Fish Bank Art Show!

Fish Bank ART SHOW!

Fish Bank ART SHOW!

This Sunday, March 10th – One Great Hour of Sharing Fish Banks that have been decorated by the children will be on display in Heritage Hall.

One Great Hour of Sharing supports Hunger Programs, Disaster Assistance, and Low-interest Loans for economically challenged people.

 We will receive the One Great Hour of Sharing offering in worship on March 24th.

Kristin ReamComment