Faith Formation Updates

Coffee Hour Signups!

Have you been enjoying the refreshments offered twice a month after worship in Heritage Hall?

A lot more people are sticking around for coffee and conversations, and we think the good coffee and tempting treats help to enhance our sense of belonging to a beloved community. Now, YOU can help spread the joy!

We are looking for volunteers willing to provide refreshments once in a while (not a big commitment). You could bring 2 to 3 dozen muffins (or other baked goods), fresh fruit, cheese, and crackers… whatever you feel would be nourishing for body and soul.

Can we count on you to join this ministry of hospitality? Please complete the Sign Up Genius today for the first or third Sunday dates now through May! PLEASE CLICK THE LINK TO SIGN UP TODAY!

Kristin ReamComment
Professional Photos!

Get your family portrait, a new headshot, or a new "we are in love" picture.

Courtney Swisher, a professional photographer, has generously offered to update pictures for you (and the church directory). No appointment is needed - stop by the Chapel after church on Sunday, Feb. 9, and Feb. 16, or at Wonderful Wednesday, Feb. 19.
---New photos will help Pastor Wallace put names with faces.

Guest UserComment
New Member Class

Have you been attending Granville First Presbyterian for a while and want to join the church?

Do you want to learn more about who and what this church is?

Join us for a 3-week "New Member Class" --- Feb. 9-16-23 after church, 11:15-noon in the East Lounge. The class will be led by Jenni Whitford and Pastor Wallace Bubar

Kristin ReamComment
Reclaiming Faith, Reimagining Church

What might it look like to talk with others about what matters to you about faith?

Curious why we believe what we believe and how those beliefs make our world matter?

Consider joining this faith formation opportunity open to all. We'll focus specifically on THREE questions:

  • What faith have we inherited?
    What faith do we have?
    What faith do we need?

We will read the Holy Cow Mission Study, listen to podcasts, read articles, and wrestle with these 3 questions. Readings will be provided in advance, with an emphasis on access and convenience. Along the way, we will sprinkle in Mission Speakers and Opportunities

 Adult Class, led by Elder Jeff Kurtz. Feb. 16-May 13 (meets in the Cellar) with child care provided.

Kristin ReamComment
Wonderful Wednesday is Getting Fruity!

Fruit of the Spirit, that is!

***Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-Control***

We will paint, fold origami doves, go on a church-wide scavenger hunt, hide kindness rocks, create a poem, and play games as we discover what this familiar passage from Galatians has to say to us TODAY.

Kristin ReamComment
Kids Faith Formation and Music!

Kids Faith Formation and Music—WEDNESDAYS (after school)

We are going to spend time in the book of Luke—learning about miracles, calling disciples, and loving our enemies.

Dates the Children’s Choir will sing in worship:

  • February 9

  • March 9

  • April 13

  • May 11 (Mother’s Day)

Kristin ReamComment
Jenni Away to APCE

Jenni will be away Jan 24-31 to attend the Association of Partners in Christian Education (APCE).

This year the conference is in Memphis, TN. 
I will hear plenary speakers and amazing pastors preaching in worship, have the opportunity to make connections with other educators, and have many workshops to attend and learn from.
Thank you for supporting continuing education for staff. It "recharges" my spiritual batteries, and I always come back with tons of new ideas.

Kristin Ream Comment
Photo Opportunity

Church Directory Photo Opportunity

Feb. 2 and Feb. 9—after church (11 am-Noon) Photographer Courtney Swisher, will be set up in the Chapel to take photos.

Signup for a time slot in the church office or follow this link:

Families, couples, singles—all are welcome. There is no charge for photos. Updated photos will be invaluable as we welcome Pastor Wallace and he gets to know our congregation.


Kristin ReamComment
A Day of Celebration and Gratitude

Stay after worship on January 26 for a delicious reception and special program in honor of Wendy. Her year as Interim draws to a close, and January 26 is her last Sunday with us. We have been blessed beyond measure with her leadership, and this reception is our opportunity to let her know how grateful we are. Please see below.

We are asking the congregation to write a card to Wendy and leave it in the designated basket in Heritage Hall on January 12, 19, and 26th. Then, join us on January 26 to celebrate our year together with Wendy.

Ellen ClarkComment
Coffee and Conversation THIS SUNDAY

Have you been visiting our church for a while? Would you like to learn more about the various Ministry Areas in our church? 

Join Pastor Wendy and Jenni in the East Lounge (lower level) for "Coffee and Conversation" this Sunday, Dec 15th - after church to ask questions and get to know the church better.

Kristin ReamComment
Coffee and Conversation

Visitors and those who wish to know more or are curious about joining…

are invited to join Pastor Wendy and Jenni Whitford in the West Lounge after church for coffee and conversation.

Kristin ReamComment
Sunday, December 22 - Creche Sunday

Bring your favorite Nativity set from home to display in Heritage Hall.

You can bring it before church and set it up; cards will be provided for you to write your family name, where the Nativity is from, or any other fun facts. Nativities will be on display during coffee hour.

Kristin ReamComment
Christmas Pageant Rehearsal

The children (ages K-6th grade) will have practice on Wednesdays after school: Dec 4, 11, and 18

All children are welcome to join the pageant fun.
Dress rehearsal is Monday, Dec 23 at 10 am. If your child is younger than kindergarten, please attend the dress rehearsal only.
The pageant will be part of the 4:30 pm All Ages Christmas Eve Worship.

Kristin ReamComment
Higher Grounds- Coffee Fellowship!

Higher Grounds Fellowship!

Can we count on YOU?

On the first and third Sundays, the Deacons are hosting a post-worship time centered around fellowship, good coffee, and light refreshments that enhance our growing sense of belonging to a beloved community.

We are looking for volunteers willing to help in the future, starting with the first Sunday of December.  Our vision is to have a few rotating small groups who would be willing to provide baked goods (3 dozen cookies, a coffee cake, etc.), probably only once a month. 

Can we count on you to join this ministry of hospitality?  Please complete the Signup Genius today!


Kristin ReamComment
Advent Book- Calling All Angels

This Advent, we invite you to pick up a copy of the book Calling All Angels. We have these books available in the church office for $11. Wendy’s sermons during advent will go along with this theme of “Do not be afraid!”

Here’s a little more about the book from the Cokesbury website:

“Step into Advent where stories of angelic encounters come to life, echoing the timeless message of overcoming fear. Just like the characters in the nativity story, we're invited to embrace courage and join in God's transformative work.

Each time an angel appeared to one involved in the birth of Christ, they said: do not be afraid. Those words, though, are not just words of comfort; they are an invitation and a calling from God. In this captivating Advent study and devotional, pastor Erin Wathen challenges us to take this timeless message and apply it to our lives today.

Calling All Angels invites us to contemplate what would change in our relationships, vocations, congregations, and communities if we have the courage to overcome our fears like Mary, Joseph, Zechariah, and the Shepherds in the story.

This book includes weekly studies for the Advent season, and so much more, including daily reflections, worship resources, even an Advent playlist for the season! Plus, free videos Free videos featuring the author are available online - perfect for beginning weekly studies, sparking meaningful conversations, and deepening your understanding of that week's story.”

Kristin ReamComment
Advent Workshop- DEC 1! (Thanksgiving weekend!)

Advent Workshop

Join us for the Annual Advent Workshop on Sunday, Dec. 1st (11:15am-Noonish) It’s going to be a ton of fun, and there are activities for the whole family!

Advent Activities:

  • Wreath Making (with fresh greens)

  • Nativity Story Stone Painting

  • Cookie Decorating

  • Christmas Countdown Jar

  • Ornament Making

Kristin ReamComment
5 Save the Dates for Faith Formation!

Sat. Nov 9: Family Retreat Day

Meet at church at 10 am

We will pack food into backpacks for the YMCA Backpack program until Noon

We will eat lunch and return to the church for Games at church (Hide and Seek, GaGa Ball and Human Hungry Hippos)

Kids Choir Sings on Sunday, Nov 10th

Arrive at 9:15 am for warm-ups

Officer Training for New Elders and Deacons

Nov 10, 17, 24 at 8:45 am—Meet in the Class and Crafts Room

Team 78: Lunch Bunch—Sunday, Nov. 10th

Meet in Heritage Hall at 11:30 am; we will go to “The Lot”


Middle School Late Night Extravaganza!

Calling all 6-7-8th graders…

Friday, Nov 15th (7-11pm)

Games – Food – Service Project – Fellowship (friends are invited)


Kristin ReamComment
Election Day Bake Sale

Please help support the Bake Sale

Drop off freshly baked pies, cakes, muffins, cookies, breads, or other goodies on Sunday or Monday (Nov 3 or 4).

Our church is a voting location, we will have 1000+ people come through our doors on Tuesday. The sale will go until supply runs out. Funds support PW and Disaster Assistance.

Plus—- THERE’S NO SCHOOL ON MONDAY (yes, again) but Jenni would love to bake with your kiddos from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. Contact Jenni to find out more.


Kristin ReamComment